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We support Education for Nature Vietnam (ENV)

We will be working to help fund projects that work to tackle the Vietnamese demand for products containing parts from endangered species


Education and Trade Monitoring Outpost:

Thank you to our supporters we have been able to fund one of 15 ENV education and trade monitoring outposts in Vietnam. Volunteers will be recruited, trained and supported by ENV to carry out activities which aim to reduce consumption and demand for wildlife products, mobilise public support and strengthen law enforcement efforts in dealing with wildlife crimes. We hope to share pictures and news soon; please click here to read more!

ENV Outposts

ENV’s outposts will be established in 15 provinces, with the aim of raising the awareness of the local public about wildlife protection by conducting a variety of activities. These outposts will represent ENV’s, and will be managed and operated by a group of key volunteers who are recruited, well trained and committed to conduct the majority of activities in their province. The activities they will carry out aim to reduce consumption and demand for wildlife products, mobilize public support and participation in stopping the illegal wildlife trade, and strengthen law enforcement efforts in dealing with wildlife crimes.

A group of 5 - 10 volunteers in each province will be recruited and trained in both wildlife protection issues and the practical skills necessary to conduct the various elements of the project. ENV will support and manage the program via financial support, resources, equipment, and technical supervision and advice. Each outpost is required to carry out an entire program of activities which include the placement of banners at local markets and government agencies, hosting awareness events in public forums, and minor surveying and monitoring work that supports law enforcement efforts.

Outpost Activities

  1. Public awareness
    Each outpost will conduct quarterly awareness activities in markets and public forums, aimed at raising awareness to reduce consumption of wildlife in the local city. The activities will also solicit public support and participation in combating wildlife trade through reporting of crimes, and by recruiting and motivating further volunteers.

    Each event includes a range of activities including exhibit boards, a video, quizzes, and a discussion board where people can share their thoughts and concerns about topical wildlife trade issues. The team will also support organizing wildlife trade seminars at major universities, run by ENV staff. These seminars include a rapid assessment of student attitudes toward wildlife consumption and trade, the results of which assist ENV with designing campaigns, activities, and materials that target younger audiences.

  2. Banner placement at market and government building
    The outposts are also required to work with local partners and stakeholders to have their support and involvement in the project by displaying awareness banners at markets and government buildings. The banners urge both the public and government staff to say ‘NO’ to wildlife consumption, and encourage them to report wildlife crimes to the relevant authorities or the ENV’s hotline. Each province will display banners in local markets and government agencies each year. These displays will be updated and replaced on a bi-monthly basis to ensure the message remains fresh and eye-catching.

  3. Consumer trade surveys and monitoring
    Each ENV outpost will carry out strategic surveys of major commercial zones within provincial cities to identify business establishments that are violating the law. The surveys will establish baseline information on the extent and composition of the illegal consumer wildlife trade in those 15 provincial cities, allowing ENV to measure the impacts of the program over a period of several years.

    The outposts will also be responsible for compliance monitoring in their provinces to strengthen the performance of local authorities in dealing with crime and to ensure a regular watch on repetition of violation in the location.

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Public Service Announcement:

Released on Vietnamese TV and social media sites in August 2013